MASSIEL MEJÍA | Arquitectura del Paisaje
+1 829 619 4000
Architect, MLA, inspired by world's nature, passionate about botany and sensible to the environment and sustainable development. Enthusiastic in joining new multidisciplinary teams, always looking forward to apply the knowledge and skills acquired on each preparatory field under the conditions which will help her develop as an efficient professional in the area, among others. Constantly searching for new challenges involving nature as the main body of projects dedicated to human beings.
// P R O F E S S I O N A L E X P E R I E N C E
2015-Present_Landscape Architecture Professor
Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, UNPHU | Faculty of Architecture and Arts
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
2013-2014_Consultant Landscape Architect
INCONSERCA, S.R.L. | Riverfront Park of La Barquita, East Santo Domingo Dominican Republic.
2013-Present_Landscape Architecture Professor
Universidad Iberoamericana, UNIBE | Faculty of Architecture
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
2011-Present_Contractor Architect - Sound System Design
Dominican Republic.
Architecture projects such as:
2012_Ágora Mall |
Serallés, Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic.
2011_Body Shop Athletic Club Bella Vista
Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic.
2009-Present_ Owner, Principal Architect and Landscape Architect
MASSIEL MEJÍA, Arquitectura & Paisaje | Landscape Architecture Studio based in the Dominican Republic.
Design | Construction | Field Consulting | Project Management
Specialties: Landscape Restoration and Design, Project Management (Landscape, Architecture, Construction fields), Sustainable and Ecological Development Projects, Public Spaces and Garden Design (all different scales).
2009_ Landscape Architecture Internship, Project Designer and Consultant.
Artur Bossy Paisajista |
Cànoves, Cardedeu. Catalunya, Spain.
// E D U C A T I O N
2011_Diplomat Degree, 'Project Management'
Quality Global Business. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
2009_International Summer School European Master of LA: ‘Old Country for New Man’.
Efficient productive Landscapes in Urbanized Areas.
Case study area: Altes Land. Workshop in Leibniz Universität Hannover
Hamburg/Hannover, Germany.
2007-2009_Masters Degree, MLA. ‘Landscape Architecture’
Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC.
Barcelona, Spain.
Main Subjects Studied: Ecology, Plant Biology, Hydrology, Geology, Edaphology, Cartography (SIG), Landscape and Project Analysis, Landscape Project Workshops, Landscape Theory, Landscape Restoration, Landscape Engineering and Construction Techniques.
Design Workshop 1.2_Sept. 2008: ‘New Access Proposal, Montjuïc Cementery.’Project selected for the International Exhibition of Landscape Architecture Schools, ETSAB. 5th European Biennial of Landscape Architecture, Barcelona, ES.
2007_Postgraduate Degree of ‘Green Spaces Management’
Fundaciò UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain.
2002-2006_Bachelor's Degree, B.Arch, ‘Architecture’ Universidad Iberoamericana, UNIBE
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Thesis: Ecotourism Design Strategies in Preserved Areas. Ecotourism Park of Bahía de Las Águilas: A proposal for the improvement of the coastal settlement of La Cueva, (Cabo Rojo, Pedernales) more sensitive to the environment and nature; an eco-tourism park with interventions outside the Jaragua National Park. D.R.
// H O N O R S A N D A W A R D S
2013 - THIRD PLACE. Urbanism and Landscape Architecture Competition: "Ciudad Juan Bosch" [ CAMINO REAL ]
Landscape Architecture Consultant at MORÉ ARQUITECTOS, SRL. & ESTUDIO CARIBE, SRL.
Green Public Spaces Design - Parks and Street Tree System -
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
2013 - FIRST PLACE. Urbanism and Landscape Architecture Competition: "New Urban Settlement of La Barquita"
Landscape Architecture Consultant at INCONSERCA, SRL.
La Barquita Riverfront Park Design
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. [FONATURA]
2008 - "New Access Proposal, Montjuïc Cementery"
International Exhibition of Landscape Architecture Schools, ETSAB. 5th European Biennial of Landscape Architecture.
Barcelona, Spain.
// V O L U N T E E R W O R K
2015_ ARPA - Sociedad Dominicana de Arquitectura del Paisaje y Planificación Ambiental.
Landscape Architect, Founder Member. República Dominicana.
2011_ SARD - Sociedad de Arquitectos de la República Dominicana
Landscape Architect volunteer, groups organization and general participation. Dominican Republic.
2008_ 5th European Biennial of Landscape Architecture: ʻTempestad e Ímpetuʼ.
Event organization. Barcelona, Spain.
// S E M I N A R S A N D W O R K S H O P S
2011_ Nemetschek Vectorworks Workshops: Updated to latest version (2015).
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
2010_ 6th European Biennial of Landscape Architecture: ʻLiquid Landscapesʼ. Barcelona, Spain.
2009_ Photography Workshop: Nadia Pizzulin Photographer | Barcelona, Spain.
2008_ ʻPaisajes 08ʼ, Landscape, Water and Sustainability | ʻExpo Zaragoza 2008ʼ Zaragoza, Spain.
2005_ 3D Architectural Design Course, Cinema 4D.
Altos de Chavón School of Design, Altos de Chavón. La Romana, Dominican Republic.
2004_ Nemetschek Vectorworks Workshops.
CAEDRO | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
// L A N G U A G E S
Spanish: Native | English: Advance, Fluent written and spoken | Italian: Advance, written and spoken | Catalan + French: Basic oral and written comprehension.
2014_Scuola di Casa d'Italia Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
2008_Scuola Dante Alighieri Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
1992-2001_English as a Secondary Language National Institute of English Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
1999 and 2001_Summer English Program, ESL. Georgetown Preparatory School Maryland, United States of America.
1999-2001_Alliance Française de Saint-Domingue Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
// A C A D E M I C E X P E R I E N C E
Active_ 'Landscape Architecture' Professor.
Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, UNPHU.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Active_ 'Landscape Architecture' Professor.
Universidad Iberoamericana de Santo Domingo, UNIBE.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
2013_ Invited Jury to the Final Evaluation_'Architecture Workshop: Design 8', "Urban Planning and Landscape Proposal 2030 for the Coastal City of Cabarete". PUCMM, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
By: Professor Architect Oliver Olivo Batista.
2011_ Invited Jury to the Final Evaluation: ʻArchitecture and Environmentʼ. PUCMM, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
By: Professor Architect Ico Abreu
// S K I L L S
Software: Mac OS X Lion_Version 10.7.2 | Vectorworks 2015_2D & 3D | AutoCAD_Basic Knowledge | Cinema 4D | iWork_Keynote, Pages, Numbers | Microsoft Office_PowerPoint, Word, Excel | Adobe Creative Suite CS5_Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat Professional, Illustrator.
Professional: Many years of experience in design and management of landscape and architecture projects of all different scales, from the conceptualization to the execution of the same. Able of handling any project related to landscape, nature, environment, ecology, sustainable development, green architecture or interior design.
// R E F E R R A L S
Maria Goula_Landscape Architect, Director of the Master's degree in Landscape Architecture. Urbanism and Territorial Organization Department. ETSAB, Bcn.
+34. 93 401 64 02 |
Xavier Fabregas_Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y biotenología. ESAB, Bcn.
+34. 93 552 10 95 |
Rubén Hernández Fontana_Architect, Principal at Estudio Caribe. Founding member of LAD
Professor of Design Workshops - UNPHU | CEO at CAEDRO: Nemetschek Vectorworks Exclusive Distributor for the Caribbean and Regional Leader in Training CAD / BIM.
+1 809 567 4364 | |
Jesus D’Alessandro. Architect, Director of Architecture's Faculty - UNIBE, R.D.
+1 809 712-8385 |
Rosángela Bobea. Landscape Architect. Punta Cana, D.R.
+1 809 856 2231 |